Enable offline mode to improve Android Studio speed

If you are starting with Android Studio or have upgraded to the newer version of Android studio, you might experience, the IDE sometimes gets stuck or freezes during the process of compilation.

This might be probably the gradle is working online and trying to download. There are many ways available to boost up the performance of Android Studio, one of them is by enabling Offline Work Mode.

You can achieve significant performance boost by enabling offline mode in Android Studio. Here are the steps to do that:

Please note, I am currently using Android Studio 3.2.1

1. Go to File> Settings.

2. In Settings dialog box, Go to Build, Execution and Deployment section. Under that go to Gradle section.

3. Check the box which mentions "Offline Work" as shown in the below image and click on Apply button.

Gradle Offline Work

4. Next go little below under Compiler section and check for the text input area which mentions "Command-line Options.

5. In the command-line Options type, "--offline" and click on "Apply" button and finally click on "OK" button to save all changes.

Now you should see certain improvement in the performance of android studio.

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